The post below is from my most recent newsletter, but I've also decided to make it into a blog post: I have always been fascinated by how many of Neville Goddard's students manifested significant wealth. His student Thomas King won a horse-betting competition and manifested today's equivalent of $773,000 (photoed above). His other student, the 55 year-old woman from the Law & the Promise (who used "isn't it wonderful"), manifested lavish monthly income payments for the rest of her natural life. He also assisted several business owners in creating highly successful businesses. And not to mention, the Goddard Family Empire still exists to this day and continues to thrive! All of these stories were accomplished by intentionally using imagination. I am officially committed to doing the same for those who are interested. I recently wrote out an updated list of my desires and before I knew it "mentored 500 millionaires" was down on the page. When I look back over the recent set of manifesting classes we did, manifesting money was the number one attended class. To date, well over 250 people have taken the class.
I absolutely love seeing people thrive - especially financially! I particularly love working with entrepreneurs and seeing them manifest thriving businesses and create generational wealth.
Over the past two months, I have hit my highest grossing monthly income to date and my clients/mentees have done the same (doubling, tripling, and even 6x'ing their income).
My one-on-one services are shifting to reflect this change. My new emphasis is on manifesting wealth and business mentoring. My new rates (both with life coaching and business mentoring) reflect a level of return that I know you'll manifest back several times over. All of my 1:1 services also now come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Living from an Awakened Imagination allows for unparalleled levels of bliss and thriving! This is our time to thrive! And I am laser clear about the legacy I'm leaving behind.