8-Week Online Manifesting Series
Are you ready to take your manifesting results to the next level?
Perhaps you've had some successes but deep down you know there's so much more to experience.
You feel that you've only tapped the surface of who you are and all that life has to offer.
And that's exactly what this eight-week series is for.
In this 8-week online manifesting series, we're going to new heights! You'll learn the ins and outs of manifesting, we'll clear up any misconceptions that are blocking your success, we'll get laser clear about your desires, and most importantly, you'll powerfully move into your ideal state that allows your fulfilled desires to show up in your life.
Here's what we're covering in our eight weeks together:
Week 1: Introduction to the Law of Assumption (Jan 9)
During the first week, we'll open up with a thorough introduction to the Law of Assumption and see how it goes beyond Law of Attraction to yield consistent manifesting results.
Week 2: What Are Your Truest Desires? (Jan 16)
In week two, you'll identify your truest desires in seven key areas in your life. Clarity is essential in being able to intentionally manifest.
Week 3: The Shift from "What" to "Who"/ Identifying Your Ideal State (Jan 23)
During this week, we'll shift from "what" you want to "who" you are as the one who already has your fulfilled desires. We'll explore and shift your concept of self as it is the foundation of your manifestations and identify your ideal state.
Week 4: Living Your New Normal (Jan 30)
In week four, we use specific exercises to explore what it's like to live your "new normal." Your state becomes natural and we collapse timelines by bringing future desires into the present moment and see what it's like to experience them right now.
Week 5: Shifting Your Inner Conversations (Feb 6)
In week five, you'll notice how your inner conversations are made manifest in the world and you'll learn how to shift them to be consistent with your ideal state.
Week 6: Advanced Manifesting (Feb 13)
In week six, we go deeper down the rabbit hole into the manifesting world. You will learn about collapsing timelines, rewriting past events to accelerate your manifesting results, and manifesting for others in a way that enhances your life and theirs.
Week 7: Advanced Manifesting Pt II (Feb 20)
In week seven, we crank it up to an ultimate level! We explore the practical application of the idea "everyone is the self pushed out" and literally manifesting "out of thin air".
Week 8: Victory Party & Recap (Feb 27)
In week eight, we party and celebrate, while also reviewing all the content from the series in a bite-size package that you can carry forward for the rest of your life.
If you're ready to awaken your manifesting MOJO, join us!

About Candace
Aloha! I'm Candace Thoth (looks like Candis but is pronounced Can-Day-See) and I have been a spiritual life coach and teacher for six years.
Using the information and exercises shared in this series, I have been able to transform my life from the inside-out.
Starting with a move from the U.S. mainland to my dream location of Hawai'i, to losing 75 pounds, to manifesting my ideal partner, creating a successful business, and more. I have also been very fortunate to witness my clients manifest consistent successes.***
I am deeply committed to helping you manifest incredible results in your life! It would be an honor to be a part of your journey in this series together!
What This Series Includes:
Access to a private Facebook Community completely centered around giving birth to your grandest dreams and celebrating your wins!
Eight LIVE power-packed webinars (see schedule above) with structured content and time for deep discussions and Q&A (held via Zoom). The webinars are held on Thursdays at 8 a.m. Hawaii Time; (here is a time zone calculator to see what this is locally for you). Recordings of the webinars are posted on our membership site afterwards.
Creative and effective exercises designed to invite you inward and to radically enhance your ability to get your desired results.
A sacred and non-judgmental space to express your truest self and share your deepest desires as well as a plethora of desires you may have forgotten that you had.
Manifesting resources that provide additional guidance on how to embody your ideal state(s) on a daily basis - when we have real examples, it's easier to adopt this way of life.
Accountability, loving reminders, and highly effective group coaching from Candace.
A sacred space to make life-long connections and network with other like-minded manifestors!